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Love Your Skin for Valentine's Day! (Infographic)

Love Your Skin For Valentine's Day Skin Care
Love your skin Valentine's Day and the skin you're in

Love your skin for Valentine's Day. Why not?? Valentine's Day skin care can be a fun. Whether it's in preparation for a hot date with a romantic interest, or a hot date with yourself - enjoy your skin!  And...... it's all about love! Valentine's Day is just around the corner and now is the time to show your love - to your skin!

Love your skin and the skin you're in this Valentine's Day! - Dermatologist and Skin Wellness Expert Dr. Cynthia Bailey

Yep, whether you have a date this holiday with a significant other or a significant book, set aside an evening this week to shower love and attention on your skin and pamper yourself. Think of it as a date with yourself! 

Skin care is self-care and as a dermatologist I know this first hand. This month is the season of love, your self included. I can't pass up this wonderful opportunity for a gentle reminder to put yourself - and your skin - on your self-care radar. 

Reserve some of your precious time for a skin care treat. Instead of relying entirely on yummy but troublesome high-glycemic sweets and/or sparkling wine as a treat, how about also spending a little quality time with your skin. The rewards are almost instant.

I've created a dermatologist's 'prescription' with my fun Valentine's Day infographic.

When your skin asks you this Valentine's Day, "will you be my Valentine?" - Say "Yes!"

Draw that hot bath, step in and ...... ah! It's 'Me Time'! 

Note the immediate deep breath you will take! Make your skin extra happy and extra soft this year with these simple steps. (Stress reduction is a happy side benefit.)  

Slide your soft and happy skin into your favorite lounge-wear or hottest date-wear and enjoy living in the soft skin you love.

Looking to gift yourself some truly wonderful skin care products to "Love the Skin You're In"??

May I suggest some of my personal favorites!

Natural Face and Body Butter Cream

Rich, lovely, hypoallergenic and great for head-to-toe daily skin moisturizing. I've always got a jar of this skin quencher in my bathroom. I created it for myself and my patients and customers love it too. 

valentine's day skin care

Nothing like it. The butter is fantastic. Susan M

It’s fantastic! (This) cream is like a miracle! I’m going to give the Butter Cream to everyone this year as a gift. Michele P

Ultra-Fast Triple Action Body Smoothing Kit

This gives you super-soft skin fast! Why not enjoy soft elbows, shoulders, feet and more....... I've personally used this for years and love the texture of my skin - even as I've aged. 

how to get soft skin for valentine's day fast

I love this cleanser! It's like a luxurious hot spa treatment every time I use it, and does not irritate my sensitive skin. A little goes a long way. This will definitely be a permanent addition to my routine. Thank you, Dr. Bailey! Tracey

The glycolic acid body lotion ... honestly does miracles to smooth, hydrate and (cue the heavenly music) tighten crepey skin. I saw 100%+ improvement in my skin in just a matter of weeks. THAT's the miracle I was looking for. Lori

Layered Up Besties

I use these every day and my facial skin drinks them in with a sigh of relief! Sooth any skin irritation from your anti-aging skin care, acne skin care, rosacea - or life - and instantly plump crepey skin, fine lines and wrinkles. The dewy youthful look is an added plus. This product duo is instant gratification!

glowing instantly luminous facial skin 

WOW! Miraculous results! I recently started using this product and in just a week I can already see amazing results! It literally makes your skin silky smooth and is visibly reducing prior sun damage and unevenness. Liz

Incredible serum! I've been using doctor Cynthia's instantly luminous multi-action serum for the last 2 weeks and I have to say it's incredible. I came home the other day and noticed my husband staring at me, wondering if something was a mis, I asked what he was looking at. He said are you doing something new, your face looks so bright and skin so smooth. I just smiled and said yeah, its Dr. Bailey's new products. Thank you Dr. Cynthia Bailey, I'm hooked - Denise 

Skin Cleanse Zen

This two-step facial skin cleansing routine fits all skin types. It cleans without drying and tones pores for a smooth complexion. 

A must-have for your routine. I was really impressed by this toner. It's super refreshing and doesn't leave my skin feeling tight or dry. My pores were noticeably smaller and my skin had that fresh dewy look even after makeup. So glad I found this little bottle! Kelly

Extremely Gentle Foaming Cleanser changed my life. I had rosacea and bumps on my face and now they are gone. Janet M  

Love the skin you're in this Valentine's Day Holiday Season. It's "me time".